MedTechStart Winter 2023 Issue

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WINTER 2023��������





By Emily Cogburn

Have you ever met someone at a

conference or networking event?

Did an interviewer ever say, “Tell me

about yourself?” Have you introduced

yourself at the beginning of a speech

in front of a group of investors or

potential clients? Has anyone asked

you, “What do you do?” If so, you

need an elevator speech.

Marketing and business experts defi ne

elevator pitches or speeches in diff erent

ways, but most agree that an elevator

pitch could be as short as 10 seconds

or as long as 60 seconds. Usually, it is

a very concise introduction to yourself,

your new business, or your already

established company.

Th e content of your pitch might vary

depending on whether you are using

it to pursue a job, sell a product, or

grow your business, but no matter

the purpose, it should be attention-

grabbing. Studies show that people

form impressions of others within

seven seconds of meeting them.

Th e clock is ticking, so if you want

someone’s attention, you have to grab

it quickly.


With only a few seconds to catch

or lose your audience, getting your

information out there up front is key.

But that doesn’t mean piling on all the

facts you can into a few quickly spoken

sentences. Instead, think carefully

about what information you should

highlight. What facts about you are

likely to immediately engage someone?

And once you draw them in, how can

you keep their attention for a few more


Th e best pitches refl ect your

personality. Trying to copy someone

else’s pitch won’t work as well as

crafting one that fi ts who you are and

what you do. Once you have the basics,

practice switching it up, talking about

the same ideas in a slightly diff erent

way. Eventually, you’ll fi nd a pitch that

sounds like you. When you feel natural

and comfortable, your audience will

want to listen.

Whatever your focus, keep it positive.

If you’re seeking a new job with your

pitch, don’t mention why you’re leaving

the old one or failures that you or your

company have had.




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